събота, 9 ноември 2013 г.


In the photography the concepts of aperture, shutter speed and ISO are of utmost importance, as well is the relationship between them. The key to achieve a technically good shot entirely depends on the values ​​of these three elements, which the improper use of any of these elements leads to the wrong functioning of the other ones. Conversely , if you set the correct values ​​of the three elements , achieving a technically correct picture is guaranteed ( do not confuse with technically correct aesthetic or creative ones ) . The camera has various shooting modes,  which it more or less regulates the correlation between aperture , shutter speed and ISO. For example, when you are on full automatic mode , the camera sets the values ​​that are appropriate for lighting conditions . In mode Aperture mode , you set the value of the size of the aperture (F 1,8; F4 or F 20 , for example) as well as ISO and camera sets the shutter speed , again taking into account the lighting conditions . The same goes for shutter speed mode, but  you are in charge of the speed - 1s . , 1/200 sec. , 1/8000 sec. But here comes the most interesting mode , namely the manual shooting mode . Called manual because it depends entirely on what values ​​you will assign to the three elements . And as it is understood in this mode you can fail in many shots , but on the other hand, it allows you to be more creative and to think out of the. I personally shoot only in this mode , which after many unsuccessful frames it allowed me to fully adjust the value and opportunities to get to know your body ( !?!:) .


Photography lessons for beginners
Photography lessons for beginners

Shortly, the aperture regulates the amount of light that falls onto the light - sensitive matrix. When the aperture is more open, such as F 1,8; F 2 or F4 with certain lenses , more light reaches the image sensor and vice versa. When the aperture is closed, the less light reaches the sensor. On exactly the same principle works and the human eye , when it is very bright , your pupil shrinks , allowing less light  to reach the nerve. For how much is the aperture will be open also depends what part of the image will be on focus . Depending on the size of the aperture and the amount of light to achieve technically correct picture , you can adjust the shutter speed.

Photography lessons for beginners

The shutter speed is the time at which light travels when it enters  in the lens until it reaches the matrix. It is called shutter speed because device, which allows light to reach the matrix is called shutter or curtain. Simply put , the shutter speed is the time during which this shutter or curtain is open . The longer time it is open , more light will reach the sensor , and vice versa. For example, you set the aperture to say F 8 in a normal sunny day. To make a nice shot without to blur something  you need a high shutter speed such as 1/ 200 of a second. But if you want to achieve a certain motion effect , showing the movement in the  frames , you will need to reduce the shutter speed , for example, to 1/5 of a second. But for that you have to close the aperture to allow less light to pass through, and the shutter or the curtain will stay open for longer. It's sounds complicated, but with more practice it works. Here is an example of a slow shutter speed , aperture F 32 ; ISO 200 and shutter speed 1/4 of a second. Thus anything that moves is blurred, showing the movement . And of course the obligatory thing when using slow shutter speeds , a tripod !

Photography lessons for beginners

ISO is the sensitivity of the matrix itself to light. The greater is the iso , the more it increases the sensitivity of the sensor and can shoot in lower light conditions. But the higher iso triggers the so-called digital noise, which increases with increasing values ​​of the ISO. This also depends on the type of matrix , for example by noise ASPC sensors is larger because the matrix itself is smaller in size , so-called crop . While full frame sensors (35mm ) the quality of the pictures remains at very high levels of ISO.

Finally , it takes a lot of practice to master the relationship between aperture values ​​, shutter speed , and ISO. But in contrast, some day you can manage your camera without thinking over these things , you just need great amounts of persistence and work !

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