четвъртък, 14 ноември 2013 г.



When we speak of white balance will bear in mind the color temperetura or more precisely the type of light you're shooting  in. There are several basic types of light related to photography : sunlight , tungsten light (standard light bulb ), Fluorescent light ( coming from fluorescent lighting ) light from the flash. Depending on the type of light you're shooting  in, you have to set the camera to the appropriate mode of  white balance to achieve the desired effect. The color temperature is measured in Calvins and each source has certain values. In other words , the white balance is called white balance because you want when you make a picture the  white to be white , black to be black, and so on. Setting the wrong properties of the white balance, you risk the white color of your photos to be blue or yellow, which is annoying. Here are two examples of the same frame with different settings of white balance

white balnce

white balance


Each camera has several modes to adjust the white balance : sunlight, shade , cloudy , incandescent light (standard light bulb ), Fluorescent light ( coming from fluorescent lighting ); light from the flash. Depending on the lighting conditions in which you shoot you have to set the appropriate mode of white balance so that white is white and so on, thus the machine understands how to set the color temperature and all  of the colors in the image will be the correct. In 90% of cases, usually automatic settings of white balance is doing a great job , but there are situations in which you must manually set the values ​​of the white balance, but it takes time and experience. Usually modern the digital cameras can shoot in RAW format, allowing you even if you got wrong white balance while shooting , then you can make adjustments in Adobe Lightroom for example.

In a few words , the white balance is to set the proper color temperature by the certain modes of  white balance of  the camera , which leads to correct reproduction of the colors in an image where the white is white, red is red , etc.

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